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Reply to "Clown Car Sticker Update"

I think the "Plastic Clown Car" sticker aesthetic—whether literally beclowned or not—is more self-deprecating and disarming than a "sticker in the eye" of the PCA. 

Cory Drake has bolted a "Revell" plate on his fender right about where the Reutter badge would go; says it fits the car and cuts short the explanation for the inevitable First Question. 

These stickers, to me, serve the same purpose. Like getting a vanity plate that says P * TEND.

Could one offend a Porsche Purist? Theoretically possible, I suppose, as Porsche Purists exist on a spectrum that no doubt shades into the "everything offends me" realm. But That Guy (if he exists) cannot be assuaged.

Let A Thousand Clowns Bloom!

