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Reply to "Thunder Ranch build thread"

Did you bench-bleed the master cylinder before you installed it?

I made an adjustment wrench for the front steering box adjuster out of a piece of 3/4" X 1/8" flat stock bent into an "L" with the foot about an inch long to fit into the space.  3/4" wide stock just fits into the depression of the adjuster (which looks like a huge allen wrench socket).  

For that HUGE nut on the front of the box I use a plumber's drain wrench.  Looks like an adjustable crescent wrench|71700000045008692|58700004650922073|92700039927177435&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-b7qBRDPARIsADVbUbUmHDm6UaEDGEXMibzndtnlDYnmr0v3weGXDx0hQw5tipae8VjyPqwaAglQEALw_wcB

The adjuster on top of the box is pretty straight-forward - wrench and screwdriver.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols