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Reply to "Changing out CMC Speedster Gauges"

OK, I’m gonna “Geek Out” on you for an instant:

Seymour Cray invented the fastest computer in the world between 1976 - 1982, the Cray 1.  It was a beast, the size of a compact car and built with a vertical, cylindrical backplane “mother board” in the middle and the computer boards mounted outward from the motherboard radially all around the core.  The design minimized wire length between the boards by running them across/along the cylinder in the middle.  I would guess that the cylindrical motherboard was maybe 18”-20” in diameter.  Shorter wires means faster computer speeds and it was 10X faster than it’s closest competitor.

In order to install those hundreds of wires inside the central cylinder/motherboard, Cray found electronic technicians from South Korea who were small enough to fit inside of the cylinder to work.  They were lowered down Inside of the mother board with a wire wrap gun, a bunch of wire and a point-to-point list to connect everything together.   Kinda makes you glad you’re a “big person”, relatively speaking.
