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I am hot onto buying a Spyder -- and have been somewhat concerned about the wait time ---- so I'm doing the usual soul searching of going between ordering EXACTLY what I want from Beck or Vintage --- and waiting --- or buying used. (That silver and black one that sold recently with the Suby engine will probably be my recreation choice --- but with a Type IV --- or maybe a James Dean replica. Ah, decisions.)

Well, I stumble across Automotive Legends on Ebay on the "used" hunt, and they look good and appear to have product on hand --- which I understood to be a FibreSteel prettied-up Vintage.

The salesman tells me, no, it's pan-based and that they make their own frames. Is this true?
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I am hot onto buying a Spyder -- and have been somewhat concerned about the wait time ---- so I'm doing the usual soul searching of going between ordering EXACTLY what I want from Beck or Vintage --- and waiting --- or buying used. (That silver and black one that sold recently with the Suby engine will probably be my recreation choice --- but with a Type IV --- or maybe a James Dean replica. Ah, decisions.)

Well, I stumble across Automotive Legends on Ebay on the "used" hunt, and they look good and appear to have product on hand --- which I understood to be a FibreSteel prettied-up Vintage.

The salesman tells me, no, it's pan-based and that they make their own frames. Is this true?
Automotive Legends told me the same thing. Cars are pan based...allowing them to be registered as Volkswagens (eases the hassle of recreated/"kit" autos) How much pan is actually used to make the legend make them VW's legally but yet have characteristics of the 550?
Looking at pictures of their cars, there's got to be more than VW pans.
They also state to be the first to make the 550 which Beck then bought/stole?
I'd like to know the true differences between manufacturers..Vintage Spyders, Thunder Ranch, Beck, Automotive Legends,...others?
Edgar, I don't know who you talked to at Automotive Legends, but the information that you have received is not correct. You should ask for Wil Cashen the owner or call Russ at FiberSteel for the correct information on the cars. I received my car from Automotive Legends within a year after placing my order. Also, I see that they have completed cars for sale in there inventory. Good luck.
I don't understand how that false information can happen, I know that they seem to have a large turnover of sales people, but to give out wrong information can't be good for business. I know that in the ordering information it states the information about the frame and how the car are built. They build a top of the line car.
I contacted Wil Cashen the owner of Automotive Legends today and told him about the false information that one of his salesman was giving out about the VW pan and he told me that he would check into it. If anyone is interested in the Automotive Legends cars I would Contact Wil.
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