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I feel bad there wasn't an old Buick for Bruce.

One older woman took a lot of pictures of my car. She said she attends car shows and takes pictures for her husband in Mexico who puts them on his YouTube channel.

I liked the low Ford sedan and the black & white Alvis.  I think the blue Holden was the first Holden I have seen.


1957 CMC (Speedster) in Ann Arbor, MI


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Those Alfa 4Cs are so cool. If they had come with a stick I probably would have bought one.

The blown Nova is quintessentially Midwestern, and I love it. Ditto the big 70s Lincoln.

I’ll never be able to fully explain it, but I love Solstices. The GTXs are the cool ones, but I really get lit up with the V8 conversions with an LS.

The Royal Enfields make me smile— I was looking hard at an Intercepter (Mr. Clean version), before I decided a 650cc Indian copy of a 70 year old British cafe bike probably wasn’t going to be a good idea for me. They apparently caught your eye as well.

I like Cobras and De Tomasos and cannot lie.

The stuff that regularly lights Lane up really does nothing for me.

Last edited by Stan Galat

Thanks for thinking of me Michael !  I guess I'll just have to get my fix from the yellow Jeepster with its 6 vertical grill bars and 7 slots,  a Jeep trade mark.  Also the "widow's peak" Kaiser with the vertical  grill bars.  Did the Fraser have the "widow's peak". ?  I can't remember.

I'm in Mexico now and just discovered that my neighbor down here has a restored 1967 Nissan 1600 convertible sport car in his garage. Yesterday,  I spotted a 1934 Ford coupe in town.  Maybe we could have a C  &  C down here !  At least 3 cars !.......Bruce

Absolutely love the Fiat Multipla. Fiat 600 drivetrain and 6 passengers.  Wasn't a bad car except for not much power and overheating issues.  I had a 1960 Fiat 600 way back then that looked just like this one.  Same color too.  The old black and white photo is me giving mine a complete cleaning and wax.  Even had white sidewalls on those little 5:20 X 12" tires.  Used to love watching  Little Giant Killer down at Orange County International Raceway drags blowing off Vette's.  It was equipped with a 356 Porsche engine originally and then got faster when he changed it over to a VW........Bruce


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