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Although we celebrate the holidays in different ways, here’s hoping that this year, your Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays will be filled with good cheer. May your family be blessed with peace, happiness and togetherness this season.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in this online community.

Robert McEwen

If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!





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Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. Regardless of situation or struggles, we all have something to be thankful for. Taking a day to remember that, and to open our eyes and hearts in gratefulness is something unique and special.

Personally, it’s been a rough couple of years, but I know that I’ve never had more to be thankful for. Nothing has come to me but through the hand of God, and He’s always been sufficient for my needs. I’ve got my health, my family, and enough loose change to play with my fancy golf cart. It's all blessing.

I appreciate all of you, in spite of (and often because of) our various human foibles. You provide me a daily distraction and often a daily chuckle. Our camaraderie is real, and my gratefulness genuine.


Last edited by Theron

Sadly we in Europe just have a commercial festival in late December instead...........

HA, actually pretty much same here since TG is followed by Black Friday sales at all brick & mortar stores.  Long lines, trampling, fist fights at stores either at mid-night or O-dark-thirty in am.  Me, I'm recovering off the turkey induced tryptophan sleep and watching the parades on TV!

Image result for black friday sales

Thanksgiving....Hours of preparation in the kitchen , eat and be done in 25 minutes only to feel like crap for the rest of the day and we do this annually !  I always watch at least a 1/2 hour of the Macy's Parade every year without fail (Bucket list) At 66, I have my health, moved to West Virginia and family coming for dinner ...simpler times that I enjoy.         ~  Enjoy your families   ~

Thank you Robert, for starting this thread, we do all have many things to be thankful for and this day is to remind us all of that fact.

Unfortunately, we in America, the richest culture in the history of the world, are seldom satisfied and often ungrateful. It's apparent in daily discourse, how we treat servers, workers, even family.

Here's a brief history of how Thanksgiving became a national holiday. It's a good reminder of how blessed we are, every day, in this wonderful country of ours.

A Hebrew sage long ago wrote to a struggling group in Phillipi: "In everything, with thanksgiving, make your requests to God, and His peace , which exceeds our understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus our Lord."

thankfulness=peace...try it!

I'm SO THANKFUL that I am not sitting in the 70-mile-long parking lot that used to be I-90 (The Mass. Turnpike) from I-84 to Boston.  It is currently moving at about 1mph so everyone is, essentially, sitting in place, three wide.  Don't know where they're all going, but I hope they get there before dessert, tomorrow!

I'm also thankful for all of my family, finally much closer to us (no I-90 for US!) so we can enjoy each other on holidays like this, and for all YOU folks, my second family, who've been with me through bad times and good and give me great fun every day.

Drive safely, everyone, and enjoy YOUR friends and families.  I've just finished a double-batch of Marshmallow Crispy Treats to use as bribes so the young'uns don't beat me too badly at video games tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving, from the Land of the Pilgrims (and Marshmallow Fluff)!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Hey!   I just read Will’s link to the beginnings of Thanksgiving.....good read, and thanks, Will!

Since we’re surrounded, here, by many native tribes of people that predated the Pilgrims by a few thousand years (We have the Hassanamisco, here in Grafton), we’re always presented with a bit more of the historical details of that era, and some of it showed up in my Google News feed, today, so here you go:

BTW:  Two children, both boys, were born on the Mayflower during their 2+ month journey.  Oceana Hopkins was born at sea and did not survive the first, grueling year (read article above).   Peregrine White was born onboard after the Mayflower returned from an aborted sail to the mouth of the Hudson River (where they were originally headed) but they faced heavy headwinds and turned back.  Peregrine lived until 1704 and became a leader of the colony as it prospered. 

And yes, we still have a bunch of Hopkins and Whites around here.  Us Nichols’ came over in the late 1700’s and after.

This is all great trivia for your conversations tomorrow!!   “Hey, did you know.......!”


I'm thankful that Alexis is happy and healthy again. Two beautiful healthy children and lastly for the nearly 20 years with my company. Here is to more of the same.


Wishing all you knuckleheads many warm wishes and cold beers.


May your skies always be sunny and the beer ice cold.


When the sun goes down, I hope you can cuddle up with someone you love.



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Last edited by TRP

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday.  My kids are all adults with busy professional lives living up and down the east coast.  You have to pick 1 holiday each year to try and get everyone together.  And we always pick Thanksgiving.  One of the reasons is football rivalry weekend which is always the weekend after TG.  This year the game is on Friday.  My wife and I met at VA Tech and my kids went to UVA.  We have a house walking distance from UVA Scott Stadium and every other year we have a big tailgate party with family and friends.  Big fun.  Tech has won 13 straight years.  I'm a little worried about this one.  But its all good.  We all have to lose sometime.  Go Hokies!  And happy Thanksgiving.



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Our immediate family went to their respective in-laws, so we were invited to my niece's place for a small extended family gathering (her in-laws are in Florida).  No big crowd, just her family (three great teens), her mom and us.  Everyone there said how nice it was to have a small (quiet) group, rather than the semi-controlled chaos of the bigger gatherings.

BIG PLUS for us was not having to drive 2 days to get there - She's just on the other side of town.  I never realized how much of a PITA driving 1,100 miles was until we stopped doing it.  

The next day Kathy and I headed to Boston for a weekend of Broadway plays to start our Holiday season.  E-Shopping is now all done and stuff shipping so now we can get la Casita decorated and enjoy what comes next.  Hard to believe we've been back from the South 4 years, now.  Maybe in another 4 years I'll be getting used to being cold all the friggin time!  You'd think that after 6 generations around here I might like the cold more.......

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