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Hey, Stan, now Ferrari are making an SUV. They're calling it the Purosangue. I'm not kidding, they're calling it the pure-blood.  That name stems from either an incredible lack of self awareness or marketing genius.  It may be that a sports car company can't sell an SUV without a healthy sense of irony, and that's how they picked the name. Ford didn't buy 'em, but they may turn into Ford anyway.

Huh. Who knew?

World Gone Mad.

I continue to contend I was born at least 20 years too late.

I think I was born at almost the perfect time. I got to see all the cool cars in the 50's and 60's, people landing on the moon, transistors replacing tubes, computers moving from data centers into our pockets, African-Americans not being sent to jail for drinking from the 'whites' water fountain, the Berlin wall being torn down, Nelson Mandela walking free, the United States electing a black president, being able to find about almost anything on the internet, the emergence of amazing vaccines and small plastic clown cars.

I'm also loving my flying car, jetpack and Macintosh. Life is good.

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