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Read an article this morning that Porsche has got the approval to do future engineering develpment work on VW vehicles. Porsche beat out Audi, who was also wanting this contract.

Maybe that will put this project on hold for another, oh decade or so would be nice. Can't see that design being popular unless wingtip shoes in two colors are coming back.

Did ya all notice that recessed license plate on the back? Sorta like the one in my garage.
Oh no, OF COURSE no hard feeling I would hope. As I "said", my 356 coupe has a recessed plate as well. And while I plan to remove it (along with the recessed Buick tail lights) I'm CERTAINLY gonna hold onto everything for another car. On a '39 Ford sedan, or a '49 Merc, or better yet a Henry J when I finally find one . . . PERFECT.

Just that, for me any way, those horizontal tear drop lights and the sweet unique shine up plate light on the 356 are too iconographic to change. Even though the tear drops are incorrect for the Pre-A, I love them too much even to revert to the original little bullet lights that came with it. I'm just too in love with the look of the A.

Regardless, hard feelings would never come about over a number plate recess, or anything else car related, for sure ! ! !

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