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aircooled posted:

Stoddard Solvent is what most garages used to use back in the days. Because of  the ingredients it was removed for use as a cleaning solvent. We used to put some ATF in it when we first changed it out for some new because it burned the back of your hands.I am a participant in a study of the  long term effects of this product for life. Testing on me is done every 5 years now. It used to be every year but as I got older and didn't die from it, they only call me in every 5 years now. They suspect that the minor "heart block" I have may have been caused from my contact with this solvent. 

I would highly recommend that you weld on some fold-out,out-riggers on your engine test stand so the whole thing doesn't tip over when you "goose" the throttle a few times.  Don't ask me how I know these things.

If you need the little piece of a VW bell housing to mount your starter up on the flywheel, let me know, I'll ship you one for the postage.............Bruce

Thank you Bruce! When I mount my first motor and get it up and running I'll send you a video!  



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