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it was disgusting
they saved all the garbage(dinner etc) for a week in advance
then they sewed a 25' tube wide enough to slither thru
guys were puking in there cause it was at least 105 at the equator
the royal dentist poked your mouth with skewers and rinsed with hot sauce.
the royal barber would shear off whatever part of hair on your head he wanted to
the guards had wet 3" fire hose 3" long and would whap u whenever
salt water firehoses would spray u whenever
eggs were smashed on top of head
we were all in our skivvies
the royal cook is generally the fattest guy on the ship, this cook was FAT and black wearing a diaper. u had to kneel in front of him and he would smother your face into his belly(coarse hair) and it had this nasty grease from the bilges , yuk
yes, those were the days. it was on apollo 10, they shipped us from nam for 3 weeks.
i crossed it again on apollo 13? and i was no longer a pollywog but a shellback and got to give it to the new guys.
I remember kissing the baby, eggs for breakfast and the garbage tunnel. Yuck doesn't even begin to cover it. And the sheleighleighs -- damn those things.
Remember the Wog Queen Contest?
The Navy's dumbed the whole Shellback initiation down these days. I think today's wogs may get squirted with a deck sprinkler or something. Everything they have to eat or drink has to be ... edible. Not much room for variety anymore.
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