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Reply to "Might be Rare?"

Eric Marshall Green posted:

If Cory is gay or not gay would hardly affect him being a great guy.  Weapons?  You mean he would shoot someone who thought he was gay?  Sounds a bit overbearing, doesn't it?  Is he on this forum?

Cory was on this forum before it was this forum. He's at Carlisle every year, and most of us know him and he knows us. The thing is, lots of relationships here can be measured in decades. He's stayed in my home a few times over the years, and we talk on the phone at least once a week. I drove down to St. Louis for his wedding.

The dude was in the military for about 20-ish years, and saw action in pretty much every hot, warm, and lukewarm spot on the globe. When there wasn't any action, he'd do his best to make some. He'd do anything for a friend-- ANYTHING-- but if you push is buttons, he wouldn't hesitate to go all PTSD on you. He's a fireman now, and Jeni has calmed most of the storms, but it's still a good idea not to make sudden movements in his peripheral field of vision.

His car is a reflection of all of that. Elemental, and yet really complex. Rough in a lot of ways, but elegant in form and function. There's always a hint of violence, controlled or otherwise. It's fast, loud, and a ticket waiting to be written. Cory usually drives it like a puppy-dog, but sometimes he lets the Rottweiler out. And that car is a dog who can bite. It's one of a kind, and one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

There was a change of format here a few years ago (10 maybe?), and Cory lost a bunch of pictures he was archiving here. He's still salty about it so he doesn't hang out as much. Pity, that.

He's over on FB though. Look for the bald guy with the Hawaiian shirt, smoking a Clint Eastwood cigarillo. Lately he's into old bicycles. I'd approach without making eye contact, palms out, fingers spread. We'll see if he likes you.

If he does, you've got a friend for life.

Last edited by Stan Galat