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@Robert M posted:

I gave Stan my son’s sweet and sour mix recipe and I’ll share it here for those who are interested.  

1 cup fresh squeezed lime juice, 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice, the juice of one orange, and 50% of the total liquid volume in sugar.

So if you get 2 1/2 cups of liquid you’ll need 1 1/4 cups of sugar. Warm the fresh squeezed juice and sugar mix on the stove on medium heat just long enough to dissolve/melt the sugar.  Let it cool in the fridge overnight before using it.

Whiskey Sour:

Put 3 shot glasses of the sour mix, 1 shot glass of whiskey, and one egg white in a shaker and shake for about 45 seconds.  Add ice to the shaker and shake again for 45 seconds or so. Strain the liquid into a whiskey glass with ice and enjoy.  

This is close to my mother's lemon curd recipe. Just lemon juice, add butter, a whole egg and a couple yolks instead of just the whites. Also, no whiskey.

"Chas'ten Lane" wrote: " The whiskey sour has traditionally been served with an egg white. The purpose of the egg white is to tame the tartness of the drink and it creates a richer, smoother, texture."

Yeah, well, mostly it is to kill the taste of the Bourbon.   🤮

Give me a Jameson, any day.....

And did you know that Irish Whiskey is spelled with an "e", while Scotch Whisky has no "e'"?  Google it!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Jumping back to the idea that anybody ought to be able to wire a light fixture, I could offer this bit of personal history.  My first real summer job as a very young teenager was given to me with serious reservations by a small electrician company, consisting of the owner (who we almost never saw) , his son-in-law as foreman and three electricians/helpers.  Early '60s.  Minimum wage was $1.25/hr.  He said he'd take me on at $1.00/hr and see where it went. Milt (Uncle Milty) was one of the seasoned electricians and he was given the job of showing me how to do this and that without hurting myself too much.  I did this two summers.  Counted myself as a bona-fide apprentice and quickly was promoted to $  I learned an awful lot working all sorts of jobs: new work, old work, commercial, (Romex, BX, conduit) and even some charity work.  It was really cool.  I made a few bucks, but over the years as a home-owner and general handy man I saved way more money doing my own electrical work than I ever made at that meager hourly wage.  And true confessions: I'm still not sure how to rig up a four-way, but I don't get called to do that very often.

I never wanted a job, until I discovered girls and cars. Then it was a different story.

My first real job was pretty lowly: picking up haybales from the field and throwing them to the stacker on the wagon. Then reversing that process at the barn, onto the conveyor and stacking it inside.

Maybe that was my second job. My first was washing cars at a Ford dealership. They fired me when they found out I was moving cars in and out of the bay on a learner's permit LOL! Honestly, they never asked if I had a license. They asked me if I could drive. Well, yes, I can!

Best shape of my life: thin and wiry and lean muscle. 5'10" and 160 pounds.

We made just enough to put gas in the car, eat something, and maybe take a girl to the movies.

Last edited by DannyP

I too delivered newspapers as a kid.  My first route was for 3 Detroit papers. Since I was in western Michigan the customers were far apart.  Plus, I had to keep track of which customers got which paper.  This happened in the morning before school.

Later, I got a route for the local paper.  This was an afternoon paper.

My first purchase was a 3-speed bike.  I made a large basket for it from a shopping cart. I don't recall how I acquired the shopping cart.

Ha, I too cut lawns - got like $2 for 1/2 acre - about 2-3 hrs work - gas was only 26 cent per gallon (leaded of course).  That was a 20 push gas mower too! Delivered the Sunday Philadelphia Bulletin - I lived in Trenton NJ so not that popular a paper and, like Mike, long distances between houses.  Dang paper weighed about 3 # each. I made a nickel per paper.  Collecting the money was most painful.  I had to pay for papers before they were delivered so a slow payer cost me $!  In NW FL I can't even get a paper delivered to my home!  Minimum wage $15 now - no wonder a McD's Big Mac combo is $15 (and they have a tip jar!)!  A McD burger used to be 15 cents - 19 with cheese in '63.

Before the stint as an electrician, I had "jobs", as many have described above: lawn mowing, no tractor, pushing a power mower, and I did deliver afternoon papers in VA Beach, ten blocks of houses starting at 69th st. .  Had maybe 30 -- 40 customers in the winter, and 150 or more in the summer. On my one-speed bike with a big basket on front. Fold and toss, mostly, but behind the door on some houses.  We had to buy rubber bands from the company, IIRC. Papers dumped at the end of my street.  Thursdays were double duty so I had to make several trips back and forth to fill the basket. And the collecting . . . terrible business that.  Was Not doing girls and cars at that time (was maybe 13 YO)  but really wanted a 35 mm camera.  So I managed that on my slave wages.

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