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I had some water spots on my chrome bumper uprights and someone suggested I use 000 steel as we thought it was chromed steel. It turns out that the uprights were polished aluminum and the steel wool dulled the finish.

I tried polishing the upright with metal polish, which said it was for aluminum and steel, but could not get that bright chrome look the other one has.

Anyone know how to restore the finish?

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I had some water spots on my chrome bumper uprights and someone suggested I use 000 steel as we thought it was chromed steel. It turns out that the uprights were polished aluminum and the steel wool dulled the finish.

I tried polishing the upright with metal polish, which said it was for aluminum and steel, but could not get that bright chrome look the other one has.

Anyone know how to restore the finish?

I swear by this stuff, both for the bronze artifacts in my collection and for the wheels on my car.

And by bronze artifacts, I do not mean Vince. Although I'm sure he qualifies.
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