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@Panhandle Bob While it is a bit unusual for bidding to jump so high so fast my previous sales have shown that these cars bring over the current bid. This particular car is a very appealing and unique color so I expect we will see additional action especially  In the final hour.

BAT, like Live auctions can yield different results on any given day. Just depends on "who is in the room" and how bad they want it and perhaps how many drinks they may have had leading up to the bidding.

I think the current high bidder and other bidders are pretty serious here but we'll see what happens on Friday.

@RoyP posted:

@Panhandle Bob While it is a bit unusual for bidding to jump so high so fast my previous sales have shown that these cars bring over the current bid. This particular car is a very appealing and unique color so I expect we will see additional action especially  In the final hour.

BAT, like Live auctions can yield different results on any given day. Just depends on "who is in the room" and how bad they want it and perhaps how many drinks they may have had leading up to the bidding.

I think the current high bidder and other bidders are pretty serious here but we'll see what happens on Friday.

Best of luck!!!!!

… but again, just to belabor a point (apparently) only I care about, in 356-speak, a Cabriolet is a specific thing and very different than a ‘59 D or a 356B Roadster.

It’s not just that the windshield is taller on a Cab, or that it’s not a separate piece - the entire back half of the car is different. The backsides of the Speedster and D are gorgeous and pert.  

The 357 Cabriolet has a frumpy butt (like somebody took a sawzall to a coupe). It’s a very different car.

Last edited by Stan Galat
@dlearl476 posted:

Funny. I just replied to a couple of guys on Troy’s DMR auction re: the market cooling down on these. Someone obviously liked what they saw. A lot.  

I think Ed, Lane, and Alan (and now Troy) have proven what a capricious market BaT is.

Capricious is right!  I was shocked and have no idea why my auction stalled at 50k, far below my reserver.  My only guess is that the Oxblood interior just didn't work for the current crop of BAT buyers, it has everything else and more than almost every one of the other 20 VMC cars that were on BAT in 2023.

It's on my website for anyone who may be interested.


Last edited by Troy Sloan
kə-prĭsh′əs, -prē′shəs


  1. Characterized by, arising from, or subject to caprice; impulsive or unpredictable.
  2. Governed or characterized by caprice; apt to change suddenly; freakish; whimsical; changeable.
  3. Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim.

With all the auctions I mentioned, I think it boils down to the right 3-4 guys with more money than they know what to do with NOT sitting down at the computer with a strong drink with 2-3 hours to go.
I’ve been following replica auctions pretty closely since Ed’s went up and what I gather from the comments is that none of the really high bidders are Porsche replica aficionados. I think they see something they like and go for it. (And I suspect most end up back on the market in a year or so with very few miles on them)

I feel sorry for that Dr that has bid on just about every one of them up to $50-$55K. I wish there was a way to contact him via BaT and tell him about you and Roy. Roy just sold a beautiful 2006 Merlot/tan Beck for $48.5.

Last edited by dlearl476

I don't know if it's capricious, or if we just don't understand it.

The results from Roy's auctions have not been capricious - they've been dead-nut reliable. It's only when other people try to replicate his successes that results look unpredictable. A Greg Leach Vintage Speedster sold by somebody besides Roy might bring long money, or it might stall - but a man's pride-'n-joy built by somebody else (no matter how nicely it's speced and screwed together ) is going to be a complete roll of the dice.

For whatever reason, "Vintage" (either Kirk's or Greg's companies) as a manufacturer has become the BaT gold-standard - not Intermeccanica, not Beck, not a car built by Doctor Clock - Vintage and Vintage only has the possibility of bringing the really big bucks.

Secondly, BaT loves "replicas" - cars that are speced and painted in classic combinations. Bold colors and unusual combinations are not reliably rewarded in the current market.

Regardless - everybody's car is worth about twice what it was pre-"Troubles". This ought to make us glad.

We get all giddy when we think our stuff is worth more than we paid, but this is not the real-estate market. People don't need a 356 replica, and so perception and emotion play a bigger part in it than reality. I think there are a lot of guys here trying to create a secret-sauce that will be rewarded when it comes time to sell. I'm not sure how realistic that is.

At the bottom of the well, these are really cool looking fancy dune-buggies for the street. They're not a "classic car" - they're a simple, old-school conveyance that makes a lot more sense when we're trying to have fun with them as opposed to trying to make money on them. Things get screwy when we are doing something so that somebody else might like it better.

You do you.

Drive 'em.

Last edited by Stan Galat
@IaM-Ray posted:

Having said all that .... it sure would be nice to capture that fever if there is any appetite for selling your car

I guess, but it’s entirely possible that fixating on it will cause some of us to enjoy the ownership experience less, with one eye constantly on the market. I’d venture that watching the market actually diminishes the enjoyment of owning a replica by a significant margin.

@IaM-Ray posted:

On the other hand, I have no likes to give to the DDrivers of present offerings even if they can go 0-60 in 2 secs.

Ray, I have no idea what that even means. Help me understand.

Last edited by Stan Galat
@IaM-Ray posted:

On the other hand, I have no likes to give to the DDrivers of present offerings even if they can go 0-60 in 2 secs.

@Stan Galat posted:

I guess, but it’s entirely possible that fixating on it will cause some of us to enjoy the ownership experience less, with one eye constantly on the market. I’d venture that watching the market actually diminishes the enjoyment by a significant margin.

Ray, I have no idea what that even means. Help me understand.

Sorry for the cryptic message,

I am unable to vote with my cash for the newer cars as they are unappealing or unexciting to me  

I was really hoping to get some specific opinions as to why my car stalled at 50k.  Was it the interior color?  Was it because I didn't add music to my videos?  Was it because I don't have a show room full of Ferraris, Lambos & Corvettes, just a garage and a cool shed?  Should I have put the nipple hubcaps ( that actually say Porsche on them) on it instead of the baby moons?  Keep in mind, that I sold the Auratium Green one earlier this year with a 1915cc engine and no under the dash e-brake for 75k!   Was it just bad luck?   Make the comparisons and tell me what you think.  Here's a link that will help you make valid comparisons.

Thank you.


Last edited by Troy Sloan

Well, @Troy Sloan, let's see, and using $60K for a Silver-ish Speedster as a base price:

Silver-ish seems to be most popular.
White and Brighter shades of dark blue seem unpopular. (surprise, there)
Not a single Red or pale Yellow or Meissen Blue car shown.  
I'm surprised at the lack of more selling colors.  Maybe people keep the more colorful cars?
Nobody had wheels color-matched to the body which drops price -$5K
Nipple caps seem to bring a $2K adder over baby Moons.
Seven cars had Bumperettes which don't seem to affect price.
None had over-rider bars (towel bars to some).
None had Nerf Bars or Roll Bars - I suspect those would lower selling price.

IRS rear looks to be good for about $5K adder.
E-Brake under dash may be less useful, but is good for $5K+ adder.
2332 is good for 5K+ over a <1915.
Replica Rudge wheels or 944 Spare wheels are good for $5K+
A non-VW title is good for +$2K

So, non-white, non-Black, silver-ish car with all of the above should ring in around $82K  (Remember - base price of $60K)

Color match the wheels to the body and drop $5K - $10K

How'd I do?  

And this doesn't explain the sell price on Alan's last project or Lane's car all that much, either.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Gordon's assessment is very holistic and I find to be accurate, but it does not take into account the value adder/detractor of eccentric color combinations.  His assessment can be leveraged as the 'general' assessor, while edge cases need to be addressed separately and do not fit into a formula. In the wakesurf boat world, a pink boat, or rastafarian color boat, fetches FAR less than a equally optioned, similar hour comparison.

The superman color combination was likely the culprit of the RNM result for your auction. That combo is a modern aesthetic look and even on modern cars, it is a polarizing choice. People either love it, or hate it, and the majority lean towards the former for ownership. Something like that just isn't going to do well on auction, because the chance of having two people who love a peculiar spec in the same auction, willing to bid it up, is very low.

Keep it posted on your site, someone who loves that color combo will eventually cross your path and you'll get the price you want. Its worth the dollars, just to the right person.

Last edited by cwazy1

I see it different than Gordon.  It appears to me that IRS has almost no bearing on price.  Under dash e-brake, I see little value added.  2332 a few grand.  The biggest difference I see is color.  Auratium Green seems to be a big winner, whether IRS or Swing axle, as neither had the under dash brake but are near the top in sale price.  As always with auctions, you need two bidders in the room.  

I can’t help but think having 3-4 Vintages going up at the same time doesn’t help.

I think a couple of the points mentioned go back to the “car guy vs money guy” factor that’s been brought up before. Car guys love the vibrant Porsche pallet. Money guys, not so much. Car guys know nipples vs moons is a $150 mod. Money guys, not so much. Car guys know Wide 5 vs 4x130. Money guys haven’t a clue.

An early white 550 with blue tartan seats just went for $56K, so there are exceptions to every rule.

Last edited by dlearl476
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