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@Stan Galat posted:

.I'm still not getting a smart faucet.

Me neither.

We have a few annoying motion lights.

The guy across the street finally turned his off(thank goodness) after several requests and one offer from me to re-aim it. It turned on when I walked my dog on my side of the street and lit up my driveway and garage which is 100 feet from the street.

Two doors down is an apartment building, that one turns off after a few minutes but is akin to an aircraft landing light.

Then there is the dusk-til-dawn guy behind me on the next block that blinds me all night long, thankfully only in the winter when the trees are bare.

But I can still look up in my back yard and see a reasonable number of stars. Milky Way? Nope. I need to go WAY upstate into the Adirondacks to see that. Added bonus: Northern Lights sometimes.

All outdoor lighting should be both dim and pointed down. Period. Up and out should be illegal and ticketed/enforced. Because people shouldn't have the right to be inconsiderate buttholes.

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