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Just a heads up, two people have been in contact with me regarding Rafael's - Mexico 356 Coupes.  I was skeptical at first when the first person contacted me then, the second contact caused me to raise a flag......  Customer #1 has been in que for two years for a coupe body and so far has sent substantial funds along with an engine and trans to Rafael. Customer has requested refund and return of the engine and trans and to date received only lip service......  Customer # 2 has been promised a couple body for well over a year and also has been inundated with promises and nothing to date.

Last edited by Alan Merklin
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I've got nothing to add to Al's post except this: What a stand-up thing to do. Good on you, @Alan Merklin!

For those of you who are not aware, Al's got a CFM Mexico car, currently for sale. In the past, it was customary for people who had received a problem car from a builder who was having issues to gloss over the problems, as a way of protecting their investment. This was particularly bad 20 years ago on the old site - nobody would honestly speak up about issues they had with a builder or with quality.

Al's got a lot to lose and nothing to gain by posting this.

Well done, Al.

I lied - I do have another observation, which may not be as popular, regarding replica coupes.

20 years ago, there were no replica coupes (besides the rare-as-hen's-teeth Envemos), because a driver-quality original coupe could still be had for under $10,000. Speedsters had already taken off, and Convertible Ds and B-body Roadsters were following on the spiral upward - but coupes were the "less desirable" sisters of the 356 family with prices firmly bolted in sensible shoes range.

JPS was the first builder to offer a replica 356A coupe, about 15 years ago. At the time, coupes were starting to move, but had not yet made the jump - so the replica coupes needed to be priced on par with or under a replica Speedster. The first couple of cars JPS built were  r o u g h  (Tom Dewalt's green car was a site legend for all the wrong reasons). Looking back, it's no wonder - JPS was trying to build a coupe and sell it for the same price as a Speedster.

... and this gets me to the unpopular part of what I've got to say. A coupe is at least 2x as hard to build as a Speedster. The trim work is an order of magnitude more difficult - there are window frames, glass, operators, headliners, and everything needs to be water or airtight.

In order to make any money building them, the cars would need to cost at least 1.5 - 2X what a Speedster does - but nobody charges enough extra for them. Most don't have the additional capacity to build them. If your queue is years long, why gum it up with a tar-baby? If you can build two Speedsters for every coupe, that's a lot more money in your pocket, and 2x as many happy customers.

As generally happens, Mexico stepped into the breach. Rafael had/has a good reputation for follow-through and decent quality, and he was starting to sell a fair amount of speedster bodies and finished cars into the US.

Then he entered the replica coupe market and made the same mistake as JPS back in the day. In my opinion, he didn't charge enough for the cars. They're a lot harder to do. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Last edited by Stan Galat

I'll add that Rafael's speedster body is very well made with thick fiberglass, has a unique rain channel along the frunk lip and has additional bracing which is, a plus.  According to Rafael's message I got today, he has read my above post ...He is "very close" to having a perfect coupe to ship but has a Mexican glass supply issue.  According to the two customers, they have requested refunds and have been told they'll be getting the funds but in actuality have received nothing to date.  Until now I have been a proponent of CFM's product and almost bought the new dune buggy body kit. But I am now distancing myself.

Last edited by Alan Merklin

I spoke to Carey recently about the manuals I'm doing and he let me know that after he empties the existing Super Coupe queue he will only do them in limited numbers on a custom basis like they do the 904 GTS.  They just take too much time to do, particularly when business for Speedsters and Spyders is so good.

Those of you who saw my car know how epic a build it was - and how complicated.  I am not at all surprised that he has had to do this.  There is a lot more cost involved and yet people are generally unwilling to pay the difference.

I spoke to Carey recently about the manuals I'm doing and he let me know that after he empties the existing Super Coupe queue he will only do them in limited numbers on a custom basis like they do the 904 GTS.  They just take too much time to do, particularly when business for Speedsters and Spyders is so good.

Those of you who saw my car know how epic a build it was - and how complicated.  I am not at all surprised that he has had to do this.  There is a lot more cost involved and yet people are generally unwilling to pay the difference.

This is not surprising to me at all. A coupe is a monumental undertaking.


Update:  As of this evening, there are now three confirmed customers of Rafael's that have contacted me. One coupe order has been two years, the second coupe one year plus and a Speedster also one year. All three persons have requested refunds for substantial funds remitted and received nothing to date.                             Edit 6/26 A  4th individual has come forward, he is having a Spyder built by Rafael and he too has substantial funds paid and no car.

Last edited by Alan Merklin

The few posts I've seen in FB etc. state the fit and finish are junk.

Appreciate the feedback Alan. I owned a Vintage Speedster about 15 years ago and loved it. Built an early Ford hot rod a few years later and sold that a few years back. I’m looking to build a speedster replica myself (my VS was a turnkey) and have been trying to figure out the best place to get a body. I have a rolling pan chassis ready to be shortened and am looking forward to the challenge of building this speedster myself. I know not a lot of builders will sell just the body. Who would you recommend?

@brsturges posted:

Appreciate the feedback Alan. I owned a Vintage Speedster about 15 years ago and loved it. Built an early Ford hot rod a few years later and sold that a few years back. I’m looking to build a speedster replica myself (my VS was a turnkey) and have been trying to figure out the best place to get a body. I have a rolling pan chassis ready to be shortened and am looking forward to the challenge of building this speedster myself. I know not a lot of builders will sell just the body. Who would you recommend?

There are just two: Vintage Motorcars in Hawaiian Gardens CA or Beck Bremen IN.   Both have a quality product with great customer support. If you were to consider JPS many would suggest you research JPS here to get a proper perspective . Kitman sells bodies, frames offering a copy of the CMC assemble manual as "Here it is you figure it out".  Silverstone in MX has quality that's a No.  CFM also in MX has been having production and long term delivery issues so that's also a No. I have built many speedsters and honestly the quality is in the Vintage Motorcars or Beck. PM me if you have additional Q's

Last edited by Alan Merklin

I'll add that Rafael's speedster body is very well made with thick fiberglass, has a unique rain channel along the frunk lip and has additional bracing which is, a plus.  According to Rafael's message I got today, he has read my above post ...He is "very close" to having a perfect coupe to ship but has a Mexican glass supply issue.  According to the two customers, they have requested refunds and have been told they'll be getting the funds but in actuality have received nothing to date.  Until now I have been a proponent of CFM's product and almost bought the new dune buggy body kit. But I am now distancing myself.

Can you post a picture of that rain channel please

There is a place,  right now with the high prices,  for newbies to get into the hobby and a market for manuf,  if the product is priced right for a body manufacturer.  

Especially if they can accomplish the build alone or with help.  

I know farming out a pan with the mechanicals is one thing but if you can get it to body on the pan it must be only 40 hours left to build what say you @Alan Merklin

Would a semi assembled roller be something that could be provided.  Even if it was pre fitted then removed for shipping or export.  Just saying

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