Originally Posted by Jan Peter Stahl:
just an idea: maybe it is the Rest oft an self desingned hydraulic clutch sysem
Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:
That was certainly what I thought.
Ahh... yeah maybe. The tab is threaded. Maybe that's the answer!
Today I'll go out and see if I can get the clutch cable hook to engage without having to jack the car up and undo it from the trans.
I'm really digging the 356 pedal shape upgrade. It was a modification I kind of whipped together on the fly. I had ordered the pedal covers from Sierra Madre on a whim. I figured one day I'd get around to trying something. Who'd of thunk it'd work so easily. Never under estimate how a $20.00 or 12 pack will motivate a muffler shop owner into action. Mike, from Kings Muffler here in town was just about to shut down for the day (at 4PM!) when I asked if he'd be willing to help with a project. I produced the pedal assembly and the pedal blanks I had cut out of some sheet stock. He said "Ahh! The ole bug to Porsche pedal trick..." I knew I had the right guy! We chatted about his ole 'bug' days. Before I knew it, he had everything all tacked and welded up. He asked if I had a grinder to clean up the welds. I did, so he handed over the parts. I slipped him a 20 and I was off.
I always think that really need to learn to weld, then I find a kind soul who's always willing to lend a hand. 
Now the question is, do I cut off that tab on the clutch arm or just leave it as a reminder of ole' crazy Al?
Bob and Gary - thanks for the kind words. This ole girl has been a labor of love. Maybe at the 1 year mark I'll go back and compile a list of everything I've fixed, upgraded, and tweaked over the previous 365 days. As per everyone's suggestions - I will NOT add up the receipts. 